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Little Hands is an organization that provides personalized and responsive support to local families whose children have been diagnosed with life-threatening or terminal illnesses. We have welcomed almost 200 local Little Hands 'Heroes' and many other 'Honourary Heroes' across Canada and throughout the world since we were established in 2014. Throughout the year, we host events for families to connect with and run numerous fundraisers for our cause, along with raising awareness about the many illnesses faced by our Heroes.
We try to include youth in everything that we do as we firmly believe that teaching children compassion early in life will foster caring and empathetic adults. We hope to show others how to 'Be the Change' in their communities and to take the initiative to make positive and meaningful impacts.
We also believe in spreading KINDNESS in everything that we do - so that our world becomes a kinder and more welcoming place. So join us in showing others how to
BE KIND, BE BRAVE, BE THE CHANGE and to the BE the best YOU, that you can be!
Welcome to Little Hands Kids for a Cause....a little cause with a big impact!
Be the change that you wish to see in the world.
~Mahatma Gandhi

Little Hands Kids for a Cause honours Heroes and SuperHeroes!
"Sometimes real superheroes live in the hearts of little children fighting big battles"
Show your support for our Little Hands Heroes by making a donation via etransfer to or

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